onsdag 24. juni 2015

Blyant tegning

Det har vært ei stund siden jeg har malt noe, så da jeg ble invitert til å delta på ei utstilling i Brekkestø
ville jeg leverte 5 blyant-tegninger og to oljemalerier.
Disse to er helt nye for jeg måtte jo ha noe som passa inn der nede.

I will do this in English too as I see that some of the visitors on this blogg might not read
I have not painted anything for a good while, so when I was invited to participate in an exhibition I decided to go back to basic and do some drawings. I delivered the total of 5 pencil drawings and two oil-painting. Here are two very new drawings. 

Rotur i Blindleia 
From a rowing trip last summer.

Ut mot porten min
From my garden

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